How to reduce waste in households

There are multiple ways we can reduce waste at household level. Here are some simple ways you may wish to consider:

  1. Keep a cloth bag for groceries and shopping all times in your hand bag. If you find yourself forgetting your bags at home, try storing bags in your hand bag, Or, purchase folding reusable bags and keep them in your purse, on your keychain, or in your pocket at all times.
  2. Buying only what is necessary: Create a habit of living with less, buy less and declutter what has not been in use for the past year.
  3. Grocery Shopping: Buy groceries with less packaging (buying from local markets rather than supermarkets will help in avoiding packaged fruits and vegetables)
  4. Birthday gifts: if the kid wants a specific gift, write on the invitation list of gifts rather than getting unwanted gifts. Ask for wish lists to ensure you give is wanted and gets used; reuse bows, ribbons, paper, boxes and gift bags from year to year; use fabrics as gift wrap
  5. At Home Office: Print on both sides of paper; can also use as scrap; Pay bills online; Review/edit documents on screen rather than printing to review; Bring own washable mug or cup to work
  6. Eating Home: Save food as leftovers and keep them in fridge rather than throwing; cook or buy meals only to the requirement- any extras can be stored as leftover for next meal.
  7. Eating out: Bring your own box or bag for leftover food; take home your own extra napkins- restaurants must toss them; Order only as much as you will eat, or take home as
  8. Grow your own food: whenever possible – if you have limited space grow in the balcony or terrace. In outer islands grow food in a community garden
  9. Electronic Replacement: Try repairing non-working electronic items or try fixing before deciding to replace; Donate old computers smart phones in good working condition to those who may need.
  10. Home Water filter: Replace water bottles with filtered tap water; keep own water bottles all times, especially when going out